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Collectively making positive change for children, youth and families


We want our community to be one that is healthy for all children, where children and youth are free from harmful substance use, and where children and youth with complex special needs benefit from a coordinated approach to their care.

About Us

Over 40 child and youth-serving agencies in Hastings and Prince Edward counties collaborate to improve services for children, youth, and families. By identifying system-level issues and gaps in services, we work together to reduce barriers, create new services, and provide comprehensive, wrap-around support.  The goal is to guide families with the same care we would want for our own.

How We Make a Difference

Children and Youth Planning Table members use Results Based Accountability (RBA) to plan, guide, and evaluate their work.  RBA utilizes local data to create and assess interventions, treating population well-being and program performance as interconnected but distinct areas.

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